While the importance of re-using the data and constructing and publicizing databases is pointed out, they are practically quite undeveloped fields, and few researchers are involved. To promote research in this field and foster researchers involved in the research, RIKEN Center for Brain Science (RIKEN CBS) will set up a collaboration research system to develop technologies in the field of data-driven brain science together with researchers in a wide range of fields. The collaboration with CBS laboratories other than Neuroinformatics Unit in the field of data-driven brain science is appreciated, if possible.
In 2021FY, each successful application will be provided with a support of up to 2.5 million yen, and up to 8 cases will be supported. The application guidelines are available at the following web site. Please widely distribute the information to those who may have interests. Application deadline is March 15, 2021 10 pm.
Guidelines in English, https://cbs.riken.jp/en/news/2021/01/
Guidelines in Japanese, https://cbs.riken.jp/jp/news/2021/01/
Contact address
cbs_db_appli[at]ml.riken.jp (*replace [at] by @)
Application for Collaboration Research for Brain Science Database Technology Development,
Office of the Center Director,
RIKEN Center for Brain Science